V2 Quickstart

If you're coming from V1

Your query looks something like this


Just append V2 to the base url, and a chainId parameter


The endpoint accepts one chainId at a time, so repeat this for all the chains you want to query

If you're coming from another explorer, Basescan/Arbiscan/Polygonscan etc

Your query looks something like this


Change your base URL to Etherscan, and point the chainId to 8453 or any chain you want


If you're starting with V2

Run this complete script with Node JS, node script.js

async function main() {

    // query ETH balances on Arbitrum, Base and Optimism

    const chains = [42161, 8453, 10]

    for (const chain of chains) {

        // endpoint accepts one chain at a time, loop for all your chains
        const query = await fetch(`https://api.etherscan.io/v2/api
        const response = await query.json()

        const balance = response.result



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